Forever favorites

  • *daffodils*
  • little people*
  • dark early mornings*
  • hats*
  • laundry on a spring morning*
  • stormy nights*
  • my beloved*
  • long walks with a stroller*
  • glowing candles*
  • the smell of honeysuckle*
  • parade drums*
  • a summer dawn*
  • pumpkins*


Header Photo by artist/photographer Laura George.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lip buzz

So, this morning I could hear A starting to get a little crazy in the room with the girls.  He was trying to get H to purse her lips together and blow to create that all too familiar child-sound that makes them burst into laughter.  You know the one.  It was time to introduce the lip-buzz (so at least the fun could be productive).

A lip-buzz is something vocalists use to warm up their diaphragms and get the air moving.  The easiest way for me is to touch my top molars to the bottom, hold my lips loosely together and blow.  Once you get the lips to buzz - then you start to hum a song simultaneously.  We started with the church favorite "I Am a Child of God" . . .and ended with "My Little Pony."

I actually grabbed the camera to capture it.  A funny time . . . instead of what could have been me lecturing (essentially to myself) about the virtues of sound . . . and not to make rude ones.  :)  This blog may be working after all.
Love their faces . . . especially C's (the lil' frowner :))



  1. I can't believe how grown up they all are! Where does the time go? Adorable children, Casey! Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

  2. They are so big! I cant believe it. It just seems like yesterday when we met at that New Years Eve party at Dave and Melissa's.
